Today is Makar Sankranti, Bihu, Pongal, Magh most auspicious day in India
Today is one of the most precious day for Hindus, across India many cultural celebrations are held like Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Magh, Bihu, and Lohri.

Today is a very important day for the northern hemisphere people as this is a marker for the change of season the warmer months are starting off from today and the earth is moving away from the winter as the North Pole journey of the sun as in Uttarayan, begins from today and as per the Hindu believes from today onwards the longer day start.
Across India, people celebrate these days in many ways like Pongal, Bihu, Makar Sankranti, Magh, and Lohri. The worshipper usually wakes up in the morning at the very auspicious rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri to celebrate the stage at the time of sunrise they bath and believe all the same the prosperity and The Spiritual deeds performed this day.
In Tamilnadu, the 4th day festival Pongal festival begins with Bhog and cleaning the house these 4 days they seek worship from Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesh, and Lord Krishna. In Karnataka, people say " Eat the mixture of sesame seeds and jaggery and speak good words." In Northern India, sesame and jaggery laddoos chickies are distributed. In Bihar Khichdi prepares and distributes among the people. In Punjab, it's called Lohri in Rajasthan and Gujarat kite flying takes place.
The biggest festival shown in Bengal is the place where the Ganga meets the Bay of Bengal or the "Sagar". Where people come and meet which is called Gangasagr Mela and all the worshippers come at deep into the sea to get worship and get away from all their Sins.