Tata Group's market Cap is more than the Economy of Pakistan

According to the Economic Times Tata Group of Industries has become the largest organization of India and the combined market value of Tata Group has surpassed the entire economy of Pakistan.
At a Glance
Tata Group's Market price is higher than the GDP of Pakistan.
Tata's market cap is $365 billion and Pakistan's GDP is $341 billion.
TCS's total market capitalization is half of Pakistan's GDP.
Tata Group of Industrie's combined market capitalization is $365 billion or approximately 30.3 lakh crore Indian rupees which Suppressing the International Monetary Funds (IMF) estimation of the whole Pakistan GDP stands at approximately 341 billion dollars.
Out of the old TATA Group of Industries companies there for the most on the biggest software company TCS's market capitalization is $170 billion nearly 15 lakh crores which is almost the half size of Pakistan's whole economy.
Among all Tata Group of Industries companies to most highly multi-bagger returns players have contributed to the surge in the conglomerate's total market value which are Tata Motors and Trent.
Tata Motors has gained 110% in the last year on the other hand another Tata Group company Trent also gained 200%. There are a few stocks of the TATA Group that also played a great role in gaining the top position in the Indian stock market such as Tata Technology, Tata Investment Corporation, Automobile Corporation of Goa, Beneras Hotels, TRF, and Artson Engineering.