How to get any interview questions ?
In this competitive world, we all like to grow fast and Excel in our career.We all mostly want to excel our career in the field of job. However, we faced a couple of challenges in this corporate and the competitive world to grow first to make through.

To search a job there are lots of websites and portals where we can fill up our details or drop our CV, and from those place we can be connected through directly with the HR of the company. However, the main challenges comes after these phase when our resume get selected and we have been called for the interview.
Most of the candidates they get rejected due to lack of confidence, and the confidence comes out of knowledge and knowledge comes out of the preparations. So when we use to go for an interview and if we have already prepared all the questions which to be asked in that interview we will definitely get confidence boost up.This will put us ahead than other competitors and that will also help us to crack the interview.
In different companies they have their different type of proforma to ask to the candidates at the time of interview. The question arises here can we get those questions before the interview?
The answer is yes, we can find out the questions to be asked at the interview board of your desired company. We just need to go to Google search and we have to search interview questions file type pdf. We need to edit one thing in this search,at the beginning we have to write the company name like Microsoft interview questions file type pdf,and you will find all the interview questions.